
Eventbrite Marketing Planner

A centralized location for marketing tools.

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Arrow icon pointing to the right
Screenshot of a navigation structure with hotspots where users have clicked
Screenshot of a calendar feature to share posts on social media

Eventbrite Creator Tools

A new LinkedIn integration feature that brought a challenge to reach new creators.

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Arrow icon pointing to the right
Screenshot of a navigation structure with hotspots where users have clicked
Screenshot of a calendar feature to share posts on social media

SmartRent Navigation

A detailed look at how we used user testing to improve the navigation of the core platform at SmartRent.

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Arrow icon pointing to the right
Screenshot of a navigation structure with hot spots where users have clicked
Screenshot of a navigation structure with a multi level left side navigation

Persona Components

A quick look into the product work for a password manager startup.

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Arrow icon pointing to the right
Screenshot of navigation structure with hotspots where users clicked
Screenshot of a 2 factor authenticator screen

Town & Country Branding

Branding work for a local real-estate agency.

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Arrow icon pointing to the right
Screenshot of navigation structure with hotspots where users clicked
Screenshot of a 2 factor authenticator screen